Team Building Sport Driving

Roaring engines, pedal to the floor and drifting around corners, get ready for t

Team Building Sport Driving
Team Building Sport Driving
Team Building Sport Driving

Buckle up and get ready for an exciting sports driving team-building event in Rome. Hit the track at full speed with your colleagues, accompanied by expert drivers, and enjoy a friendly competition of sports driving. This activity will allow you to simulate on the road what everyday work life can be like: fast-paced rhythms and decisive choices to be made quickly, maintaining control and applying strategies to achieve the desired goal.

You'll be surprised to discover how driving skills correlate with work and personal competencies, such as tension management, reliability, and foresight. The activity will be followed by a professional who, at the end of the team-building event, will identify the personal attributes that best suit the needs of the workgroup.

Have fun and happy driving!

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Sport Driving: Want to organize a team building like this one? Contact us

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